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When do my credits reset?
When do my credits reset?

They reset every month, on the day that you first subscribed.

Updated over a week ago

Your credits reset every month on the day you first subscribed. For instance, if you joined us on June 13th, your credits will be refreshed on the 13th of every subsequent month.

How many credits do I receive?

Depending on your plan, you get a specific amount of written and media content credits each month:

  • Flexi Free users: You have a 40-minute upload allowance per month for generating text content.

  • Hobbyists users: You're given a 240-minute upload allowance per month for text content.

  • Professional users: You enjoy a 240-minute upload allowance per month for both text and media content.

Run out of credits for the month?

If you've used up your monthly credits, you can either wait for them to reset the following month or, if you need more before then, explore our Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) options. This feature allows you to purchase additional credits for text and media content, regardless of your current plan.

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